From Chaos To Clarity: Your 3-Day Journey To Mindful Leadership

Awakening Conscious Leadership Experience (ACLE) is a 3-day immersion, where you’ll learn the neuroscience and mindfulness of leading (and living) well from within.

Elevate your Presence, Expand your Influence

The world’s rapid evolution and uncertainty, especially post-pandemic, is heightening stress and affecting our well-being.

We’re navigating uncharted waters with limited tools, often defaulting to survival modes that keep us from being and doing our best.

xcs 2023 opening

Sustained change begins within and extends to others through our presence and influence. That’s why it’s time to reframe our approach to life and leadership.

It’s time to focus on the immense power of human connection and collaboration.

xcs 2023 opening

Leadership Isn’t About Having
All The Answers — It’s About
Fostering An Inner And Outer Environment Where Challenges
Are Met With Equanimity And

Leading From Within: Are You Ready?


If you’re a change agent who
chooses to…

    • Live consciously and mindfully, and transform others as you transform yourself


    • Tap into your own inner wisdom and potential, and bring out the best in others


    • Infuse any group with positive energy and
      possibility, creating a sense of safety, love, and belonging


    • Lead others from a place of peace, presence and impact


    • Be the change you wish to see in the world

If you…

    • Resist personal change yet expect to drive it in others.


    • Prioritize your own spotlight over the success of your team.


    • Lack the drive and care to nurture a genuine sense of community.


    • Prefer inflexible methods over adaptive, responsive leadership.


This is NOT for you

“Leadership Is Not A Role But A Way Of Being, An Act Of Influence. You Cannot Not Have Influence.”

Dr. Danny Friedland

Leadership Training Like No Other

What Is Awakening Conscious Leadership Experience?

start within

Start within

  • Have a strong desire for personal transformation.
  • Cultivate a deep awareness of your reactivity under stress.
  • Do the practices to rewire your inner world to enhance presence and influence
Alt explore the science

Explore the science

  • Understand the neuroscience of reactivity and creativity
  • Identify and shift unconscious reactions that undermine relationships and influence.
  • Learn the importance of somatic leadership and why learning without practice does not sustain change.
Explore the science

Learn the practices

  • Adopt a system of mindfulness to transform your inner world.
  • Acquire over 15 practices for your conscious leadership toolkit.
  • Utilize the power of breath to pause, notice, and choose.
Elevate interactions

Elevate Our Interactions

  • Learn to ask generative questions that bring out the best in yourself and others.
  • Understand the science and leadership behaviors that create Psychological Safety, the top quality of effective teamwork.
  • Be a life-giving leader who maximizes others’ potential.
Influence CCI 2023

Influence at Scale

  • Understand the ripple effect of your energy and influence.
  • Step out of the ego-centric model of leadership and into the eco-centric approach

Daily Schedule

What To Expect Each Day:

  • 11:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. ET

    Arrive & Align: Prepare your Presence for Profound Learning 

  • 12:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET

    Training & Experience (several breaks provided throughout)

  • 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET

    Changemaker Case Studies, Candid Conversation, and Q&A

Hear From Change Agents Like You

Ron Hill
Julie Crichton
Raj Sisodia
Dr. Priti Dugal Chandran
Barbara Roberts
Dr. Henry Kahn
Aimee Graves
Rachel Begun

"Conscious Leadership is the journey of a lifetime, this training gives you a toolbox to carry along your journey!"

Ron Hill

Former CEO of Redemption Plus and Founding Member of Conscious Capitalism, Kansas City

"In my 20+ years of HR experience, I’ve never witnessed so much focus and intention post-training on leaders actually USING what they learned every day. ACL has truly ‘awakened’ our leaders to being conscious of their own reactivity and their effect on others."

Julie Crichton

Director or Talent & Employee Experience, GreenPath Financial Wellness

“xchange has stretched me and grown me in dimensions I had previously not explored - especially in how they facilitate their ACL program. They've taught me something I didn't even get in my PhD program - how to teach for impact.”

Raj Sisodia

Cofounder of Conscious Capitalism

"I have been awakened to tools to live each moment with my eyes and heart open."

Dr. Priti Dugal Chandran

Leadership & mental fitness coach

“This is critical learning for anyone interested in elevating humanity"

Barbara Roberts

Founder & President, Roberts & Company

​​"I felt heard, appreciated, understood, and lifted up. The energy was pure positivity even when stories of loss were told. A transformational experience."

Dr. Henry Kahn

Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF

​​"The antidote to stress. ACLE changed how I lead my team."

Aimee Graves

CEO, Kiernan’s Kindness

"I wanted to elevate and transform how I lead so that I could then model that for the people and organizations I coach and facilitate. Awakening Conscious Leadership Experience was the start of that journey. I am so grateful to be on this path with a community that understands the importance of connecting deeply to unlock collective wisdom and potential and who are also striving to be that change. There aren’t enough words to explain how I’ve grown from these experiences and can now help others to grow and change as well."

Rachel Begun

Founder and CEO, Rachel Begun Coaching and Culture

Past & Present ACLE Guides

Our team is a blend of leadership experts, mindfulness practitioners, and neuroscientists, all
dedicated to your transformative journey into conscious leadership. They’re here to inspire,
guide, and empower you every step of the way.

Nilima Bhat

Nilima Bhat

Co-Author and Founder Director, Shakti Leadership

Dr. Rebecca Acabchuk

Dr. Rebecca Acabchuk

Senior Scientist, Roundglass Meditation & Wellness Instructor

Adair Cates

Adair Cates

xchange Conscious Facilitation Trainer & Conscious Leadership Head (& Heart) Of Training

Jon Berghoff

Jon Berghoff

Founder, xchange

Rollin Mccraty, PhD

Rollin Mccraty, PhD

Director Of Research, At The Heartmath® Institute

Tucker Wannamaker

Tucker Wannamaker

CEO, Thrive Impact

Dan Diamond, MD

Dan Diamond, MD

International Disaster Physician And CEO Nogginstorm

Leigh Mallis

Leigh Mallis

Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Founder Pranic Soul Yoga

Lynne Twist

Lynne Twist

Best-Selling, Award-Winning Author Of, “The Soul Of Money: Transforming Your Relationship With Money And Life”

In Loving Memory Of  Daniel Friedland, MD

In Loving Memory Of Daniel Friedland, MD

Founder, Supersmart Health Author, Leading Well From Within

Risk free

Try ACLE Risk-Free

At xchange, our highest aim is to deliver value that far surpasses the time and financial investment of our members. Should we fall short, we believe you deserve the right to choose whether we’ve earned your full investment.

If, after completing your final day of the ACLE, you don’t find value in your investment, we encourage you to request a partial or full refund. We will thank you for honoring your truth.

Your Questions Answered

Here are answers to some common queries about our Awakening
Conscious Leadership Experience (ACLE). Can’t find what you need?
Feel free to reach out to our team for more information.

What exactly is the Awakening Conscious Leadership Experience (ACLE)?

ACLE is a transformative 3-day immersion designed to empower current and aspiring leaders. By integrating mindfulness and neuroscience, this experience will enhance your ability to lead from within. ACLE is perfect for individuals committed to personal growth, expanding influence, and fostering a positive impact on humanity.

Who should attend ACLE?

The ACLE is ideal for those passionate about living consciously, leveraging inner wisdom to lead, and instilling positivity in group dynamics. It’s not suited for individuals resistant to personal transformation or those who prefer to remain in the limelight rather than facilitating collective success.

What is the structure of ACLE’s leadership experience?

ACLE covers a comprehensive curriculum to stimulate the minds and souls of budding and seasoned leaders alike. This leadership training experience is broken down into the following phases:

Starting within: Begin with building self-awareness and resilience. This core module focuses on identifying stress responses and cultivating the means to manage stress less reactively. Participants learn to foster resilience, enabling them to face leadership challenges with greater poise and mindfulness.

Exploring science: Gain insight into how our brain works affect leadership and interpersonal relationships. This part of the course reveals how different mental states can impact decision-making and collaboration. Leaders are equipped with the knowledge to leverage the brain science as a starting point to transform their leadership abilities (at work and home).

Learning practices: Incorporate over 15 mindfulness practices to transform your leadership approach. These practices are designed to enhance presence, emotional maturity, and intentional decision-making, allowing for a more reflective and responsive leadership style.

Elevating interactions: This module teaches the art of generative questioning and how to establish psychological safety within teams. It highlights the power of dialogue in unlocking team potential and encourages the creation of an environment where innovation thrives through open and honest communication.

Influencing at scale: Adapt to the demands of modern leadership, influencing at scale through a new paradigm that emphasizes growth, change, and collective intelligence. This final aspect redefines leadership as a collaborative and facilitative endeavor, inspiring a vision that propels organizations forward.

What does each day of ACLE involve?

A typical ACLE day includes optional social connections, immersive training sessions interspersed with breaks, and various interactive activities. The schedule is crafted to facilitate deep learning and connection among participants.

What outcomes can I expect from participating in ACLE?

Expect to emerge with a profound understanding of conscious leadership, equipped with practical mindfulness practices, and ready to foster environments that encourage psychological safety and collective intelligence.

What if I’m new to facilitation or leadership?

ACLE is designed to be inclusive, welcoming participants at any stage of their leadership journey. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your approach, ACLE offers valuable insights and tools.

What if ACLE doesn’t meet my expectations?

We stand by the value of our program with a No Risk Promise. If you don’t find the experience worthwhile after completing it, we offer a partial or full refund, honoring our commitment to your satisfaction.

Invest In The
Conscious Leader You’re Meant To Be

If You’re Not Satisfied By The Third Day Of 
ACLE, We’d Be Happy To Issue A Full Or Partial. Refund. Your Investment Is Safe With Us.

One-Time Payment


Sign Up For ACLE Now

Next Event Dates Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for the announcement of dates for our next transformative event, designed to elevate and inspire conscious leaders.