Conference 3.0

Conscious Gathering, by Design

Learn More

It’s time to leverage the power 
of belonging, prioritize human 
connection, and unlock the
wisdom in the room.

xchange is your partner for strategic agenda design and conscious facilitation to unlock transformational learning experiences, in-person and online.

CEO Summit

If You Are A Conference Planner, Workshop
Designer, Community Leader, Or Retreat
Host, xchange Will Save You From…


Conferences that become obsolete due to Industrial Age agenda design


Lost revenue, members, and future economic opportunities


Wasting rooms full of intellectual firepower


Poor investments, made to compensate for underdelivering legitimate value


Passive learning that demoralizes audiences


Missing the opportunity to connect audiences to a transcendent purpose

xchange has given our annual CEO Summit a conscious way of convening, in a world where we must tap into the wisdom of the community. The results have spoken for themselves.”

Karen Sammon, CEO, Conscious Capitalism

Case Studies

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Vitaminx-Jody and JB


Designing questions, choreographing conversations, unlocking human potential

As a senior executive, Jon Berghoff led the sales team that grew sales from $40M to $185M, in four short years. While aiming to lead change, navigate challenges, all while elevating culture and driving results, Jon and his team saw meetings as the pathway to do it all. Designing questions, choreographing conversations, and unlocking human potential through meaningfully facilitated gatherings, became a superpower – what is now known as the xchange Approach.
“I witnessed Jon’s leadership firsthand. The results speak for themselves.  What he has now created with xchange, is the future of purposefully unlocking collective hearts and minds.” Jodi Berg Jodi Berg Former CEO, Vitamix
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Miracle Morning

Lives changed, businesses born, transformational stories unlocked

Over 2,500 members of the Miracle Morning Community, from over 30 countries, came together from 2014 through 2019 at the annual gatherings. What began as two friends having a good time, became a multi-million dollar social enterprise that also raised over $1M to support the Front Row Foundation, a wish organization focused on creating memorable moments for people who are braving life threatening health challenges.
I witnessed Jon’s leadership firsthand. The results speak for themselves.  What he has now created with xchange, is the future of purposefully unlocking collective hearts and minds. Hal Elrod Founder, Miracle Morning
Front Row Main

Front Row

Community co-creation of the core values, pillars, and ethos of engagement that form group identity

When Jon Vroman founded Front Row Dads, the xchange approach was the operating system for designing and facilitating retreats. In the early years, xchange was leveraged to invite the first members into a process of co-creating what eventually became the core values, pillars and ethos of engagement that formed the group’s identity. 8 Years later, each online summit, as well as the in-person events are powered by xchange. Today, Front Row Dads represents a thriving community of 350 members.
"In 2015, I called my good buddy Jon Berghoff, to help me launch Front Row Dads. For the first few years, he generously facilitated our first retreats and events for our community. Today, our entire business still utilizes the xchange Approach as our operating system when we host events – in person, and online. We wouldn’t be here without xchange. There’s nobody in the world who I would trust more, with building community through powerful gatherings.” Jon Vroman Jon Vroman Founder, Front Row Dads
GoBundance Main


A communal co-creation process

From 2015 through 2020, Jon Berghoff facilitated the annual winter retreats for GoBundance, a group of high net worth entrepreneurial men and women who focus on holistic success – at work, at home, and in their communities. In 2017, at the annual retreat in Whistler, Canada, Jon led the entire GoBunance tribe through a large group strategic visioning summit, where many of the current community innovations were born, through a communal co-creation process. Jon also co-founded the GoBundance Women’s group, leading their events for the first two years, while guiding the founding members to co-create a vision for the future of their organization.
“Jon Berghoff is excellent at everything he does. Our guys LOVE the way Jon leads them. Nobody can facilitate a group of high net worth entrepreneurs at this level.” David Osborn Cofounder, GoBundance
HeartMath Main


Active learning and co-creative experiences for community building and connection

In 2019, the HeartMath® Institute engaged xchange to support the design and facilitation of the Global Coherence Summit in Tulum, Mexico. Working side by side with Dr. Rollin McCraty, Jon and the xchange team helped HeartMath to infuse active learning, co-creative experiences, and ultimately convert their conference into a model that elevated meaningful connection and community building – with the HeartMath® research at the center of it all. Dr. McCraty and his team have collaborated closely to integrate xchange in their training offerings, which now reach tens of thousands of HeartMath® practitioners, trainers and certified facilitators.
“The xchange facilitation method is deeply aligned with the work of HeartMath®. This approach to design and facilitation unlocks social and global coherence. There’s no doubt that this methodology is enabling heart to heart synchronization, even non-locally, when used online.” Rollin McCraty Dr. Rollin McCraty Director of Research, HeartMath® Institute
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Women Presidents Organization

Navigating change, resilience, and a new world of leading and learning

In April 2020, when global learning communities were searching for answers in the midst of the pandemic, xchange was the guiding solution for many. Women Presidents Organization engaged xchange for two years, to help their Chapter Chairs discover new ways to effectively shift the organization online. When WPO returned to Nashville, TN, for their in-person gathering in 2021, Jon was a featured keynote, and facilitated an opening conversation for the conference, reconnecting WPO members to their innate ability to navigate change, embody resilience, and navigate a new world of leading through unprecedented, continuous change.
“When the pandemic shook our world, a time when our Women Presidents Organization Chapter Chair network needed a solution, xchange was critical in helping us survive, and eventually thrive.” Camille Burns CEO, Women Presidents Organization
A large room with round tables and people seated, facing a stage where a speaker is presenting. The ceiling has several circular light fixtures, and the walls are decorated with geometric patterns. The room is well-lit, and there are projection screens on the stage.

Page Society

Integrated hybrid event

In 2022, the Arthur Page society engaged xchange to lead the annual conference, where heads of communication for the largest companies in the world would gather to navigate through their most complex challenges. The team at xchange delivered on the first ever Integrated Hybrid event, creating a seamless experience, across two audiences (onsite and online), that surpassed the highest hopes of the Arthur Page Society. Today, Arthur Page Society is utilizing xchange as an operating system to amplify learning, meaningful connection, and a sense of community, across their global membership gatherings.
“xchange did the impossible. They unlocked an entirely new way of learning amongst C level communication executives for the largest companies in the world. They did it masterfully. Their approach still resonates through our global membership gatherings today.” Roger Bolton Chair, Arthur W. Page Society
Google Main


Enabling deep connection, learning, and psychological safety across the team members, in a hybrid environment

In June of 2022 many organizations were learning how to adapt and operate in a new pandemic environment, meeting and collaborating with online, hybrid and in-person meeting models. When the Global Communications team at Google had a need to convene for a strategic offsite meeting entitled “How to Lead Through Change”, they reached out to xchange to design and facilitate a hybrid meeting, where some team members met in-person at a Google facility and others joined from their remote working locations around the globe. xchange designed and led an experience that enabled deep connection, learning and psychological safety across the team members, in a hybrid environment. Because it worked so well, xchange was later called upon to lead an online “kickoff event” designed to accelerate connection and build momentum for another global team that would meet in-person for Leadership Development training.
“This was the most engaging “hybrid” session I have seen since the start of the pandemic.” Flavia Sekles Sr Director, Communications & Public Affairs, Google
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Conscious Capitalism

Honoring the wisdom in the room and the opportunity to unlock a deeper sense of community

In 2016, Jon Berghoff met Joseph Jaworski, author of Synchronicity and Source, at a Cleveland, OH, Conscious Capitalism chapter gathering. Joseph’s mentorship was not only central to the development of the xchange Approach, but planted a seed that would blossom into an extraordinary partnership. In 2022, Conscious Capitalism chose to intentionally evolve their annual CEO Summit, shifting to an actively facilitated experience, honoring the wisdom in the room and the opportunity to unlock a deeper sense of community. 2024 Marks the 3rd consecutive year that xchange will be designing and facilitating this annual CEO gathering.
“xchange is our official design and facilitation partner, not just because they know how to masterfully facilitate a discerning room of CEO’s, but because their approach is an embodiment of a conscious way to convene.” Karen Sammon CEO, Conscious Capitalism Inc
Two individuals sit on stools on a stage, engaged in a discussion. One person wears a dark button-up shirt and holds a notebook, while the other wears a light-colored short-sleeve shirt and gestures with their hands. A whiteboard with writing is visible in the background.

AMP Platinum

Small group exercises, reflective processes, and creative strategies for accelerated community building

Known for his ability to synthesize cutting edge research into practical approaches that drive personal transformation, Dr. Benjamin Hardy needed the right partner to lead his Platinum learning community, when they came together in Park City, Utah, for their one and only in-person gathering, in July 2023. Ben partnered with xchange, as he considered their approach the ideal process to unlock potential through group learning experiences. Participants raved about the combination of small group exercises, reflective processes, and creative strategies for accelerated community building.
“There is nobody in the world, and no process in the world, that understands how to design and facilitate powerful learning experiences, like Jon Berghoff and the team at xchange.” Ben Hardy Dr. Benjamin Hardy Author, Psychologist
ForTec Main


Strategic convenings to align on priorities, brainstorm solutions, and develop action plans

ForTec, a leader in mobile surgical technology, was navigating transitions in their leadership team in the midst of fast-paced growth, and engaged xchange for design and facilitation of several strategic convenings to align on priorities, brainstorm solutions, and develop action plans. As a strategic partner, xchange provides ongoing training to support the team’s growth and evolution as conscious leaders, equipping them with the tools to operate in a complex, rapidly changing, sometimes stressful environment.
A person is speaking on a stage, wearing a dark blue shirt with a microphone headset. There is a blurred audience in the background, suggesting a large and engaged crowd. The lighting focuses on the speaker.

Stu McLaren

A scalable skillset

A leader in teaching people how to build membership based businesses, Stu McLaren and his team at TruNorth partnered with xchange to shift their events from passive to active, and to do it in a way that elevated human connection and community. Stu is an ambassador for xchange, pointing to the real results that his organization, as well as hundreds of his customers, are now experiencing – reduced turnover, increased engagement, and healthier community based businesses.
“xchange is the scalable skillset that everybody needs, if they want to elevate the way we learn, connect, and create community. They are awesome!” Stu McLaren Creator of The Membership Experience | Searchie Co-Founder | Searchie Co-Founder
Clarke Main


Appreciative Inquiry methodology for whole-system summits

Utilizing the Appreciative Inquiry large group summit methodology, xchange has led Clarke in a series of company summits, engaging hundreds of employees in a strength based approach to positive change. Every several years, xchange has led the entire Clarke organization, along with key external stakeholders, through a strategic visioning process that invites voices across the whole system to co-create solutions to their biggest challenges, and create entirely new possibilities for their future.
“xchange has been our go to partner, since 2016, to design and facilitate whole system, Appreciative Inquiry summits. They are the best in the world at what they do.” Lyell Clarke Chairman and Former CEO,, Clarke
HPE Main

HPE Leadership Forum

Deeper purpose, crowd-sources strategies, inspired commitments

When Hewlett Packard Enterprise recently brought together their top 500 global leaders, they were looking for a way to shift the forum into an interactive, collaborative experience. Jon Berghoff and the team at xchange facilitated a series of forum conversations that connected the entire organization to their deeper purpose, crowd-sources strategies around successful execution, and inspired commitments towards aligned action and embodiment of their highest leadership qualities.
facebook main


Using Appreciative Inquiry for large groups to effect change

As Facebook was preparing to host a collaborative design sprint, between their top programmers, and many of the top behavioral scientists from around the world, they reached out to xchange. The task of the summit required bringing together internal and external stakeholders, to co-create solutions that would affect the future of the platform. In less than 48 hours, using the Appreciative Inquiry large group methodology, the collaboration produced outcomes that exceeded the hopes of Facebook, as well as the participants. Changes on the platform materialized immediately following the engagement.
“Never before have I witnessed such effective collaboration, when the stakes were as high, and the opportunity for dysfunction was so present. I would trust xchange when facilitating collective magic is necessary.” Dan-Reidenberg-Saveorg Dr. Dan Reidenberg Global expert on mental health and suicide prevention
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Tapping into collective wisdom through question design, conversational choreography, and new ways to lead

BMW autonomous driving division was looking for a system that would support their growing efforts to tap into their collaborative capacity, in a constantly changing, highly complex landscape. xchange spent 11 days training the top Scrum Masters on utilizing question design, conversational choreography, and new ways to lead internal meetings. Participants reported on an immediate improvement in their ability to co-create solutions and possibilities, in the rapidly evolving ecosystem of autonomous driving.
“This was phenomenal. Exactly what we needed to take our cooperative capacity to the next level.” Konstantin Ribel BMW Scrum Master
A grid of 19 video call participants, each in their own window. They appear to be in different locations, with various background settings. Most are looking at their screens, and some are holding up objects or gesturing.

Stanford Medicine

Online team building & skill development workshop on the topic of Conscious Leadership

In August 2022, Stanford Center for Clinical Research reached out to xchange for help designing and leading an online team building & skill development workshop. xchange worked closely with the Education & Training team to design an online session that shared practical tools and strategies for participants to immediately apply to their life and work, enabling conscious, human leadership, while also meaningfully connecting team members with each other.


How A Micro Intervention Creates A Macro Shift in Participant Experience

In 2018, TEDx Traverse City decided to take everything that had historically made its event great and boldly take it to a new level with the help of xchange. The experience was transformed with live music and an infusion of experiential learning moments, intentionally spaced throughout the day, allowing participants to connect more deeply and meaningfully with the inspiration and information delivered through the power of TEDx Traverse City talks, as well as with each other.
A screenshot of a virtual meeting with eight rows, each featuring several participants. Most people have their cameras on, displaying various backgrounds, and are focused on their screens. Some have their pets visible, and many have smiling or attentive facial expressions.

Second Nature

Shaping the future of an industry through meaningful connections

In early 2020, Second Nature, a leader in the property management space, sprang into action assuming the role of an industry convenor. Second Nature partnered with xchange to experiment with different ways to host online convenings that enabled connection, learning, and belonging for their customers and industry, when it was needed most. Recently, xchange supported Second Nature’s initiative to launch a mastermind-style learning community of high performers, helping to shape the future of property management.
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Habitat for Humanity

Community focused strategic planning and innovation

In 2019, the Board of Directors for Austin Habitat for Humanity reached out to xchange for input on how they might include more voices of their community in a strategic planning process. xchange worked closely with the leadership to expand their perception of a traditional Board Meeting to include staff, community leaders, volunteers and other stakeholders critical to their overall success. xchange designed and led a powerful, one day, in-person strategic planning event to brainstorm, innovate, and action plan for the future of the organization.
“In less than 8 hours, we pulled together over 60 members of our board, staff, community leaders… to strengthen our shared identity, see the future, and design innovative solutions. The rate of strategic renewal and bonding was unlike anything we’ve experienced.” Phyllis Snodgrass-Habitat-for-Humanity Phyllis Snodgrass Former CEO, Habitat for Humanity, Austin

I watched xchange create magic, at one of the most high-stakes collaborations I’ve ever been a part of. Today, xchange is helping us reimagine and rethink everything so that globally we can save more lives.

Dr. Dan Reidenberg, Former Executive Director,

How Do We Transform Meetings,
Conferences And Learning Experiences?

xchange combines the science of experiential learning with the power of community building to evolve the way people, companies, and industries Connect, Learn, and Belong,
every time they gather.

We Start by Understanding 3 Forms of Capital:

Intellectual Capital

Participants want to learn. They want information, solutions and insights that will help them expand their thinking, solve problems and achieve new results.

Social Capital

Participants want to connect. They want to meet others with whom they share values, challenges, and a common bond of shared interest or sense of purpose.

Communal Capital

Participants want to belong. They want to be a part of a community that matters in the world and is united by, and empowered to steward a transcendent purpose.

We Deliver Massive, Real-Time Results, 
Leveraging Three Sources Of Innovation

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From Passive → Active Learning Experiences

Learning environments today are still leaning
heavily on “industrial age” paradigms for
teaching. Learners are no longer tolerating
passive information sharing, as a reason to
come to an event.


From Expert → Crowd-Sourced

Why do we continue to put hundreds, even
thousands of experienced professionals in a
room, and not turn them all into teachers?
xchange turns every participant, and their
experiences, into a source of learning.

Conscious Capitalism

From Individual → Systemic Focus
on “We”

Something magical happens when, at some
point, participants turn their attention away
from themselves, towards a collective mission.
They can design values for cooperating, or
shared visions and innovations for the future of
the whole community / convention / industry.

In less than 8 hours, we pulled together over 60 members of our board, staff, community leaders… to strengthen our shared identity, see the future, and design innovative solutions. The rate of strategic renewal and bonding was unlike anything we’ve experienced.

Phyllis Snodgrass, CEO, Habitat For Humanity, Austin

What are ineffective meetings
already costing your organization?

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What is it costing the many global conferences who privately tell us that their
participants no longer value events filled with talking heads?

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What is left on the table when rooms full of brilliant people are only tapping into
5-10% of the group genius?

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What is lost when we don’t know how to connect learners to a transcendent

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What is it worth to guarantee key information is integrated and acted upon… vs.
the daunting risk of more passive learning and non-action?

The lack of a clear approach to unlocking group genius may already be costing you greatly.

Level 01


Level 02


Level 03


Design & Facilitate – xchange experience designed to amplify content, enable connection, build community One (1) xchange experiential activity Two (2) xchange experiential activities xchange experiential activities & facilitation, throughout your event agenda
Use of the science backed, research based xchange Approach
Consulting on overall event agenda design and facilitation
Support the creation of 
an event Leadership / Co-facilitation Team
Design & Facilitation of Pre-Event 
learning, connection & community 
building activities to build momentum,
& increase attendance
Design & Facilitation of Crowdsourcing 
activities, support circles, ask/give 
activities, industry specific mastermind 
Custom workbook to guide the 
participant experience
Support on A/V needs, negotiation, and 
production opportunities to optimize 
the xchange Approach
Support on venue relationship 
management, contract negotiation, 
and site selection

Don’t see what you’re looking for?

Reach out on the form below and we’ll be in touch for a complimentary
consultation for valuable insight on your event and potential collaboration.

Our company has leveraged xchange for dramatic transformation in the area of sustainability, to become the voice of our industry, and evolve into a heart centered work place.” -Julie Reiter, VP of Human Resources & Sustainable Development, Clarke

Julie Reiter, VP of Human Resources & Sustainable Development, Clarke

Apply to Work With xchange

xchange partners with a very limited number of clients each year. Please share additional information about your project or gathering and a member of our team will be in touch to explore if there may be a good fit to partner.

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